Mineral Resource Map
Browse mineral resources
North America
United States
Blue Hills Falls
Eureka Mining Co.
Emerson & North Castine
Gouldsboro Mine (1878-1928)
Hercules Mine
Pretty Marsh Mills, Pretty Marsh Harbor
Black Hawk - Blue Hill Zn - Cu
Parmachenee Zn - Cu - Pb Deposit
Acadia Peat Corporation
Wendell Grindle
Perini Corporation
A R Whitten and Son Inc
Cianbro Corporation
Harold Mac Quinn Inc
John Swenson Granite Co
Harold Mac Quinn Inc
Harold Mac Quinn Inc
Rowantrees Inc
Franklin and Franklin Extension Mine
Sullivan & Waukeag Mine (1878-1884)
Mt. Desert At Bass Habor
Copperopolis (Custer) Mine
Black Island
Cape Rosier Mine (1968-1972)
Tapley Mine (1880-1907?)
Trio Mine
Blackhawk Mine
Deer Isle Mine (1870s, 1907-1910?)
Eggemoggin Silver Mine (1876)
Blue Hill Mine (1880s)
Byron P Young Sand and Gravel
Harold Mac Quinn
Abner Gray
Curtis Prospect
Highway Pit
Rosier Extension Prospect
Bradbury & Perkins Quarry
Mcmullen Quarry
G.E.Smith Prospect
Orland Quarry
Swett Mine
Nubble Quarry
Chase Quarries
Romer Prospect
Trio Mine
Early Dawn Mine
Colton and Highlands Mine
Clark Mine
Crotch Island Quarry
Clark Mine
Settlement Quarry
Manhattan Mine
Sherwood Quarries, Upper
Granger Mine
Beacon Hill Mine
Brown Mine
Cape Rosier Zn-Cu-P6 Mine
Hall Mine
Hale Prospect
Hulls Cove Pit
Brimmer Mine
Ashley Mine
Taylor Quarry
Robert Emmett Prospect
Twin Lead Mine
Angell and Haggerty Quarry
Green Lake Pit
Bradbury & Sons Quarry
Mcfarland Mine
Coombs Quarry
Unnamed Quarry
Chester Mine
Copperopolis Mine
Catherine Hill Mine
Garland Pit
Unnamed Quarry
J S Douglas Mine
Stonington Quarries
Eastbrook Pit
Howard Quarry
Silver Brook Mine
Silver Reef Prospect
Dunham Mine
City of Boston Prospect
Little Sue Mine
Atlantic Mine
Gross Pit
Hooper Pit
Tapley Mine
Franklin Extension Mine
Moose Island Quarry
S.H.Robbins Prospect
Merrill Quarry
Little Blue Hill Mine
Deer Isle Quarry
Chief Isle Mine
Alonzo Abbot Quarry
Salem and Sullivan Mine
Azure Mine
Pettee Black Granite Quarry
Ellsworth City Pit
Grindle Quarry
Webber Construction Company Quarry
Stimson Quarries
Bianchi Quarry
Blue Hill Granite Company Quarry
Richardson Bros. Quarry
West Bay Mine
Unnamed Mine
Boston Silver Mine
Morancy Mine
Blue Hill
Frenchma* Bay
Sedgwick Quarry
Carter Prospect
Donlon Prospect
Tremont Prospect
Stover Hill Mine
Pine Tree Mine
Hancock Mine
Black Island Quarries
Eastern Belle Mine
Cline Prospect
Long Island Prospect
Comstock Prospect
Emma Albina Mine
Douglas Mine
Royce Mine
Unnamed Quarry
Old Mispickle Mine
Winter Harbor Pit and Mill
Rich Prospect
Bangor and Blue Hill Falls Mine
Stave Island Mine
Penobscot Quarry
Franeuil Hall & Sullivan Mine
Sherardson Prospect
Unnamed Prospect
Dunbar Brothers Quarry
Maine Lake Ice Company Quarry
Bragdon, Fernald & Gordon Quarry
Young Hecla
Unnamed Prospect
Little Chief Mine
Gouldsboro Mine
Hooper, Havey & Co. Quarry
Ellsworth Pit
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